Sybil has this frenemy named Mindy. I want to say she looks like Grimace of McDonald's fame, but I feel that is an insult to a very lovable character. Maybe Jabba the Hut is a more accurate description: ugly, overbearing and hard to understand (heavy Jewish/Brooklyn accent).
Sybil has never had a nice thing to say about her. Every conversation they have ends in fighting, which is why it is no surprise that when I called Sybil today she started with, "Mindy is a piece of shit!"
Sybil: Mindy came over this weekend and wanted to buy some jewelry I had from when I was in the business. She didn't like my current price and told me I should sell it cheaper because when I die, Barry is just going to come in and sell it for scrap.
Maybe a little back story is in order. My father owned a jewelry store in the '80s. Actually, that's probably not true. He hung out in his friend's jewelry store for much of his 30s as way of escaping my mother and having access to free weed. This ended up translating into Sybil selling jewelry to school teachers and cashiers at Shop Rite. This was thirty years ago so it's amazing Sybil is pulling the "new old stock" card out. Also, not sure anyone noticed, but Sybil used the term "current price." Did she offer this item for less before? My guess is yes.
Lastly, everyone knows, I'm too savvy to sell her treasures for scrap. I'm going to have the greatest estate sale Hillsdale has ever had. Look for the notice in the Want Ad Press!
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