Tuesday, June 3, 2014

It's because you're chubby

There aren't many things to do when a parent comes to visit you from out of town. In my case, when Sybil comes to visit, we either argue or go out to eat, or in most cases do both. Because I always know there is going to be a scene I try to only take Sybil to restaurants that I have no problem never going back to again. This includes your Cheesecake Factories, your McCormick and Schmicks, and of course your Maggiano's. Basically I equate Sybil visiting me to a bad work trip where I only eat in chain restaurants. We have fought all over Southern California. There was the time I told her to save her money for a nursing home because I wouldn't be taking care of her when she argued about who was paying in Houston's. There was the time when I was five that my mother screamed at me in Charlie Brown's that I was going to marry a shiksa. I was five and just wanted to know if I could get dessert. I guess that one doesn't count as a visit but it was a chain restaurant.

Anyway one memorable story involves Sybil visiting and Maggaino's at the Grove. Lewis and I figured Sybil would like how the furnishing made it seem like we were in a true authentic Italian chain restaurant or home. And she could eat a trough of meatballs. Of course as soon as we got there, we had to hear the complaints. This table is too close to the bathroom, the prices are expensive, why are there so many black people here? You get the idea. So halfway through the meal, Sybil complains to the waitress that the restaurant is too cold and she wants the air conditioning turned down. The waitress responds by saying, I didn't notice it was cold but it could be that I've been running around. Sybil looks her up and down and says, "No, you aren't cold because you're chubby."

With that I crossed Maggaino's off the list.

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