Most conversations follow the following arc:
- I feel awful
- The weather here is terrible
- How is my granddaughter?
- I'm still down in that account. As soon as it goes up I'm pulling it.
- I hate your wife.
- Have you seen your brother lately?
When she went right into hating my wife, I had to stop her and actually ask about the stock account.
Barry: What's up with your stock account? You haven't mentioned it.
Sybil: I'm up a lot.
Barry: I thought you said if it broke even you were pulling it.
Sybil: Mind your business.
I guess I have to adjust the topic order accordingly in my brain.
True story: Back in the day Sybil had a huge stock account and in her greed insisted on buying on margin. I don't know all the stocks she had but Mylan labs and Canon films ring a bell. The market crashed and she had a margin call of 300k. Somehow she fought her brokerage company saying she was confused and old and they absolved her of the debt.
Recently Sybil brought up the 300k in losses. She said she writes a portion off her taxes every year. Not sure how she write off debt she was absolved of, but did I mention her accountant has no license and drove a bus in Poland before Sybil hired her?
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