Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The grass isn't always greener

When I was about eight I went to the bank with Sybil for one of her weekly grifter deposits. While she filled out a deposit slip, it was my pleasure to stand in line to wait her turn. As I was waiting, a man walked in and cut right in front of me like I didn't exist. I went and told Sybil this and then the following exchange occurred:

Sybil: Mister you cut in front of my son. It's my turn next.

Man: Lady, I didn't see your kid and it's my turn next.

Sybil: Mister, it's my turn next. You don't just cut in front of someone.

Man: Lady, I aint your husband. Go complain to him.

Sybil: You aint my husband? Mister you are real nasty.

Man: Lady, I aint your husband. No one cares what you say.

The guy never gave up his space in line and as he walked out of the bank, he was still muttering "I aint your husband" with a deranged smile on his face. It was as if he knew no matter what hardships he had in life, there was still someone worse off than him, and that person was my father.

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