Friday, May 16, 2014

Air Conditioning the Street

When I was little, my mother forced her in-laws to buy central air conditioning for our house. She claimed it was the least they could do. During the installation process, for some reason the bathrooms were over looked.  If I had to guess, I would think the contractors figured the bathrooms were small and if you leave the doors open when not in use, the rooms will always be cooled. Sybil saw the lack of vents as a sign that the bathrooms were not meant to have the precious cool air and insisted that the bathroom doors be closed at all times.  She literally felt that by leaving a door inside the house open we were wasting the air meant for that room. Sybil would normally scream, "I'm not air conditioning the street.," if she caught me leaving my bathroom door open.

Picture summer in New Jersey, mid afternoon,  and I have to take a shit but the bathroom is 95 degrees. By the time I was done, I would be so covered in sweat that when I walked back into the cool part of the house I would get chills.

To this day she lives like every room is part of a vacuum lock on a space ship.

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