Thursday, May 8, 2014

Shiksas - Destroying Judaism, one weak Jew at a time

When I was a little boy there was a girl in my class named Heather Fishbein. She was a typical little Jewish girl with one massive flaw according to my mother. Heather's mom was goyim!! She was Catholic or Christian, maybe Hindu. I don't know, and to this day I don't care. For some reason the fact that Heather's dad (a complete stranger to Sybil) married a woman who believed in Jesus killed her.  Every time my mother would bump into Heather's mother at the super market or God forbid, picking me up from Hebrew school there would be rage for hours.

"That Heather Fishbein's father married a big shiksa! She isn't even pretty with her blonde hair and nonsecular features!"
"I bet he treats her nice because she isn't Jewish."
"Did you see her new car?  Where does she get the nerve?"
"If I wasn't Jewish I bet your father would show me some respect!"

At about this point in the ranting,  Sybil would look at me and suddenly tear into me about how I will probably do the same thing.  I will marry a big shiksa and treat her much better than I treat my mother.

Not to sound racist, but have you ever seen one of those black movies where there are a bunch of pissed off black women because they see a black man with a blonde girl?  My mother would have made an amazing black woman.

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