Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hysteria at T.J. Maxx

During one of my summer breaks from college, I was shockingly blessed with having a girlfriend.  Being young, I wanted this girl around all the time.  Being stupid, I once had her come over to my house knowing I had to go to work.  This left the girl with two options: she could either get back in her car and curse my name as she drove an hour home, or she could take my mom up on her offer to go to T.J. Maxx.  Being the girl was young and stupid as well, I think you know what she chose.

The shopping trip was semi normal at first.  My mother running through the aisles, grabbing clothes at random and muttering how fancier people than her shop at discount stores.  Next thing you know, Sybil leads this poor helpless girl into the housewares department.  A glass bowl catches Sybil's eye.  She grabs it with the grace of an elephant stamping out a fire.  The bowl shatters in her hands.  Blood gushes everywhere.  Hysterics ensue.  Sybil crying, screaming for help, while her blood dumps on the floor.  The girlfriend frozen like a deer in headlights.  Out of nowhere Sybil sees a pair of shorts sitting on a shelf.  She picks them up and calmly says, "Don't these shorts look nice?" A second ago this woman was crying like a baby and now she is pointing out some denim shorts she might want to purchase.  Before the girlfriend could even respond, Sybil started crying again and wiped the blood on the shorts.  

Sybil managed to extort some money from T.J. Maxx for her trouble that day.   I never could find out how much.  My girlfriend never wanted to be alone with my mother again.  

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